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11 Patron saints every parent should introduce to their children


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Cerith Gardiner - published on 07/31/18

These holy men and women can help your kids through all their fears and woes.

Childhood brings with it a steady stream of emotions. While we love to see our kids happy and thriving, sometimes their stresses and fears — no matter how unfounded or irrational they may seem — need to be addressed. As much as our words and actions as parents can help our children feel safe and teach them to cope, it’s important for children to know that they can call on heavenly friends for help at any time day or night.

Here are some of the most common childhood problems — and the patron saint to invoke when the need arises. You can keep the prayer very simple so it’s easy to remember, and as your child ages, you can encourage them to develop the prayer. Of course, if you wish you can also give them added protection by buying the medal of their preferred patron saint and having it blessed.


Read more:
Want some heavenly help for your children? Turn to these caring saints

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